Deepavali Ladaai

From August to January or February is kaluvapoola season for Bandar and it is quite customary for it"s denizens, on every festival day that comes in between, to wake up to the calls of the cycled hawkers , pedalling along the streets at 5"o" clock it self, singing "kalepoolu, kalepoolu"....well....almost singing...... Though on Vinayaka Chavithi these flowers are mandatory, people do tend to buy them other days as well.....So, gets up at the ungodly hour and peers out of the windows at the sky to ascertain how the weather is faring......For diwali time is always a stormy season for the east coast and many times it plays spoil sport.....throwing cold water on the celebrations literally......Ofcource, Bandar darkly remembers how it"s blackest day happens to be on wonders how the sea could have tided on an amavasya.....Thank heavens the storm was not timed on a full moon day.... In our childhood, elders tended to gather the kids...