Ismail Daas---

A Muslim young man from dudekula community---They are a very poor, nomadic class or caste? of mohammedans and clean and spin cotton..from which vocation the name of the caste is derived.....usually they make and repair beds and pillows---- was once called in to a very rich pedakomuti household to repair their beds...He was called Ismail and was said to be a rather gentle natured young fellow....He was shown into a backroom and routinely he did his work and got out after finishing it...Only thing was, he did not quite notice the tiny diamonds that must have flown about with the cotton around the room...The householders, who were rather very rich businessmen, hid them in a pillow and very negligently failed to keep it safe...Those diamonds lay there scattered in the room for sometime until a widowed daughter of the house noticed and silently pilfered them for herself..

The householders remembered the diamonds rather late and after some probing mistook Ismail to be the culprit...A gang of rowdies sent by the setty accosted him near about Godugupet....When Ismail naturally pleaded innocence, they assaulted him fatally and left him for dead near the Venugopala swamy gudi.. semiconscious, and profusely bleeding ... Later a badly injured Ismail dragged himself up on the road ,...As he crept up to the entrance of the temple his eyes caught sight of the lord....He folded his hands and collapsed there in a heap...A pious man called Mutnuri Gopaladas, who was just then coming out from the temple saw the unfortunate young man,and took pity on him....Thinking that Ismail was on the verge of death, he whispered the Gopala manthropadesm in his ears...

Ismail lay there in front of the temple for seven consecutive days...comatose, mumbling the mantra....It was not known whether it was a faint, stupor, coma or trance...But people say that he had the darshan of the lord at the end of it...

When he got up from this,after seven days,Ismail was not the same person he was once...For forty years, without lifting a bent head, he rambled along the streets of Bandar singing out the bhajans he composed him self...It was said many people got attracted to his compositions and sang them..

On one full moon day, Ismail das---for that was what he he has become now----went for a bath in the sea and never returned...It was said his japamala was washed ashore at the same time next day...

Till some years back, utsavams were used to be conducted in the name of this simple saint at Bandar...

ref;Machilipatna charithra


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