Panduranga vilasam--chilakalapudi

It was the year 1889...Aptil the 4 th...In a remote hamlet called utharavelli, in the bobbili Tq of vijayanagaram Dt,of north andhra, a male child was born to couple called Teki Gangadharam and Ramamma...They named the child Narasinham....They belonged to the caste of goldsmiths,--goldsmiths are called VISWABRAHMINS,..and in practicing orthodoxy,they go one up on even the most orthodox of brahmins themselves....In fact, at Bandar, i have observed that ,visyas and goldsmiths practiced a more stricter form of orthodoxy than many brahmins...--

Narasimham grew up ,got married in his twelfth year and migrated to Bandar seeking greener pastures and settled at Chilakalapudi,----it could be called a suburb of bandar--- and started a flourishing rolled gold ornament making industry...Some say he could be called as the founding father of this costume jewellery industry...and it is one of the Bandar"s major buisinesses today...

He was a pious man, a siva bhaktha and was reputed to have written sivakoti too...and it was one of those ironies of fate...that reiterate the theory of destiny....that once Narasimham went to Pandharpur on a pilgrimage, where he chanced to meet a great saint called Sadguru Mahipathi and got attracted to the lord PanduRanga Vithal....Mahipathi initiated him to the cult and gave Narasimham the panduranga maha mantropadesm....and a siva devotee turned out to be a vishnu"s minion.....

After this initial encounter, Narasimham returned to Bandar,but did continue to visit Pandharpur several times...Once ,he expressed his desire to his guru to have a temple of the lord at his own place where he could have a darshan as often as he wanted....Mahipathi smiled at this, and suggested that Narasinham first build a matham for the two all time great vithal devotees,Jnandev and Thukaram,and the lord would follow.....

So, according to the wishes of his guru, Narasimham built a matham for jnandev and was completed on august,17 th of the year 1927....On 28 th of june,1928, he built a dharmasala in the name of bhaktha pundareek and on every dwadasi day, annadanam used to take place here....The main temple"s construction started about this took almost eight years to finish it and in 1935 ,the main deity was installed and the consecration took place...

A lovely story goes round, at this point of time, that Narasimham never ordered for an idol to be chiselled for the the lord said to have assured him that he would appear all by himself....A swayambhuv...Ofcource one could not easily ascertain the veracity of the story ...But it spread by word of mouth publicity and was published in certain magazines too ...

An auspicious day was fixed for the installation ceremony and even the word that the lord is going to be a swayambhu spread around all and sundry.....People started coming in droves to witness this amazing spectacle even days before...The Dt. collector and police officials...(they were english) announced they were going to be present....As the days numbered, Narasimham himself, ...though an ardent devotee,had his own misgivings and got worried.. On the night before the consecration, he was said to have fallen into a disturbed sleep when the lord Hanuman appeared in his dreams..".Do"nt worry,my child" he said..."the lord would appear, and if he did"nt, i would drag the pandharpur vithal himself with my tail and install him"...Rejuvenated by this assurance,Narasimham went on with the ceremony,...and before the hundreds of people and in the presence of the collector, an idol of lord Vithal was said to have appeared out of nowhere....

Some people do say, that it could not have happened and might be just a trick....I ,personally would not say any thing..and frankly it does not make any difference to the faithful...

The temple is a large one and extends over an area of six a very peaceful place, away from the hustle and bustle of the town....A massive tower adorns the entrance gates of the temple and strangely , as you enter ,from west, you will find the lord facing east, away from the gates, and in opposite direction...The main halls are wide, cool, and vast,...An Abhayanjaneya swami stands right in front of the lord at the deepest end of the halls...waiting on his lord in rapt attention....

One surprisingly delightful custom of this temple is,,..that every devotee, regardless of caste,and creed, can directly go up to the lord , straight in to the dark sanctum sanctorum, and touch his feet...The lord stands on a slightly elevated platform, arms akimbo and smiling.....a short figure,ranging not more than three feet..A beautiful diamond studded namam adorns his forehead and it glitters and flashes through the dark corridors... the only thing visible to the devotees waiting through queues......

A long prakaram surrounds the temple on three sides (almost)..and various little alcoves are built into the on walls of this prakaram and form long corridors...Famous vithal followers and other gods"s images are preserved in these alcoves and recieve daily poojas....

To the left of the entrance gates, a smaller temple exists,housing the consorts of the lord...Radha,Rukmini, and Satyabhama....A large temple tank also exists here, called Chandrabhaga but fell into disrepair these days...Karthika pournami is the busiest day of this temple, as most people visit it enroute to the bay of bengal,for the samudra snanalu....and aashadha shudha ekadasi, auspicious for vithal devotees..

Everybody knows that vithoba is worshipped mainly in Maharashtra, and vithal cult is a very vibrant and quite intense kind of one, there...This temple is the only one dedicated to lord vithal..(to my knowledge)..outside of andhrapradesh..and that is why many people make it a specific point to visit here ..though many other more ancient, temples exist at Bandar...

An interesting incident happened in connection with this the seventies....An aircraft.--..might be a privately chartered one.----... once got lost in a wind storm on the skies above Bandar,or might have developed snags.. and had to make an emergency landing quite near the temple a palmyra grove...Thankfully, all the travellers made a safe landing and a couple of them were wealthy elderly husband and wife...They were in a panic when the aircraft went in to trouble, and were praying when they sighted the tower of the temple...As it has been fashioned along the lines of vithal temple of Pandharpur,,they immediately recognised it as such...--mostly by an association of ideas than any systematic conclusiom..for infact, they were new to the land here and did not even know it was a vithal mandir----They made a vow,on the spot,to conduct DOSA YAJNAM,there if they landed safe....and DID perform it in gratitude...

A dosa yajnam is what can be termed as a cucumber sacrifice in english... it means, you plant cucumber seeds, and perform daily yajnam till the seeds come out as a creeper,flower and bear fruit,,,

Another unique feature of this temple is it is still being privately maintained by the descendants of Bhaktha Narasimham, as they refused to hand it over to the endowments ministry...So, there are no hundis and collections here...


Anonymous said…
Thank u very much "sir".

Our minds have failed in identifying the God.

Many things exist in the world which are not seen by our eyes.
Anonymous said…
So happy to read about this temple of Lord Vitthala outside Maharashtra. And also for a quite a comprehensive site on Macchilipatnam.
Anonymous said…
Amiable post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
Anonymous said…
nice information thanks for this nice post.
sivakumar ivatury from Hyderabad....I was amazed to see the matter of PANDURANGSWAMY TEMPLE ....I have had visited at about 4 times in my childhood.....any how thank u for this information.
I was amazed to see the matter....thank U and in my childhood I have visted nearly 4 times....many many regards to giving this opportunity....sivakumar ivatury....Sr. Copy writer at KALYANI ADS ...Hyderabad.
I am thnakful to know's really amazing sir....
MAULI said…


MAULI said…


Unknown said…
Very useful and informative. Thank u

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