Donthulammavari gudi--Famous Temples Of M.T.M

Around 1860 or so, a naked old woman used to roam along the streets of Bandar freely,carrying a bundle of rags on her back,immersed in a state of divine bliss... No body exactly knew who she was....Some said she was washed in ashore in a tidal wave,...that she was the wife of one Surya naik on the shores of narmada....that she got her sister married to her husband and took sanyas......Some others said she was a lambada woman,hailing from Maharashtra...Because they carry pots in DONTHIS (placed over one by one)she was called Donthulammavaru...All of this might be true ...

Over time, people seemed to have developed a respect for her, noticing her saintliness...It was said businessmen never objected whenever she picked up their wares unasked, as it was said to be auspicious for them and they did roaring business on that day...In fact they waited for her to come, and got worried too since she would not even touch some shops ever...

She was said to have spent almost 65 years at Bandar and attained sidhi after being confined to bed for a brief 1932...People said she was almost 112 yrs old then...Many illustrious personalities were her devotees including the wife of sri challapalli rajavaru..It was rumoured, before her marriage, ammavaru playfully used to call the girl as Rani...sure enough, she turned out to a queen...Many more stories abound, eulogising her miracles....

Around 1975 a proper temple, a kalyana mantapam and walls had been built in the place of the small hut where she attained her sidhi...Every year, in the month of Magha , devotees turn up in large numbers,-irrespective of caste, creed, and class - to attend her aaradhanotsavams, celebrated over eleven days......

A visit to Bandar would not be complete without a darshan of this temple,as many would say..


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