
......Men may come and men may go......
......But i go on forever.......
Bandar, ..was always there...From ages....Like the above mentioned river...On the coromaondel coast of India and placed near the mouth of the krishna confluence...watching,..and witnessing..the times,.events and the circumstances as they unfolded and changed....
It was there in 70.A.D. when periplus stated that a busy ,and port city on the east coast named Mysolea, exported fine muslin to China and far east...The name masulipatnam might have come from this...
It was there, ..under the Sathavahanas,as Ptolemy travelled across the place,and decribed it as the port which exported fine muslin and diamonds...That there used to be grand roads to Paithan,the headquarters of sathavahanas.(nearer to Aurangabad in present day Maharashtra.)..and Dhanyakatakam...along which cargo used to be carted to...
Budhism was quite widespread in andhra region then,without any support from the rulers, and many buisinessmen, and proffessionals voluntarily donated huge funds towards it"s propogation... There used to be sthupas at Gudivada, Ghantasala, and Guntupalli nearby the Mysolea...
It was there during, and under the reigns of brihatpalayans, ikshwakus,pallavas,and a major port city...It was reputed to have done buisiness with Rome under the chalukyas.......Marcopolo visited it and wrote of a magnificient gate at the kota,to the two sides of which adorned two massive eyes of a whale...
It was there ,during the Kakatheeya"s, saw for a breif time the vijayanagar kings, and later the Reddi rajulu.....Some times going into the domain of one kingdom, and sometimes into another..The first mosque in andhra region was built here at Bandarkota, by the reddy kings for the sake of their muslim sepoys....Till it passed into the hands of golconda nawaabs...